From the beginning of 2019, we introduced the 5S system in production plants. It is a way of organizing production which was invented at Toyota factories in Japan. As a result, we received, at the end of the year, certification with a maximum score. We are very proud and ready to implement further Lean Manufacturing elements in our production plants.
Dalpo Poland sp. z o.o.
ul. Miedziana 3
60-118 Poznań
tel./fax: +48 61 866 43 67
e-mail: biuro@dalpo.pl
NIP: 7792428207
Nr KRS: 0000542037
Sąd rejestrowy: Sąd Rejonowy Poznań-Nowe Miasto
i Wilda w Poznaniu,
Wydział VIII Gospodarczy KRS
Kapitał zakładowy: 149.109.150,00 pln
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